"You write about things that people can find common experience with, just a lot of really strong themes and I think that's part of the appeal of your music for sure."

- Cat, QueerSounds KYRS FM -

"When you sing I can hear your heart opening up; I feel mine opening up too."
- Eric Kosarot, fellow musician and friend -


David has been writing and recording music since 2003, performing since 2012, and he formed a duo with Christopher Gray in 2014. Christopher plays both electric and upright bass; his intuitive melodies add stories of their own to David's material.


Heartfelt, offbeat and occasionally visceral, David's music lays his heart bare. With material that brings light to his own experiences while leaving room for listeners to draw parallels of their own, hearing his music is a unique experience.


"You take situations that so often seem to lack any essential quality and place them in a context of, for lack of a better description, breath and life."

- Joshua, friend and fan -




photo by Joni Belinda